At Casela, we are proud to have taken the Animal Welfare and Sustainability Pledge!
We are committed to conservation at Casela and protecting the diverse wildlife of Mauritius and beyond! Our mission is to accommodate human activity while maintaining ecological processes that maintain biodiversity ??
Through our edutainment initiatives, we believe that raising awareness and careful planning can help mitigate human impact on species and ecosystems. Our commitment is led by clear objectives, including becoming a “zoo for plants” and strengthening collaboration with key stakeholders.
We have introduced over 50 different species of plants across Casela and set up a herd of Creole cattle for conservation and research purposes. We also raise awareness of endangered species like the Southern White Rhino and set up habitat restoration projects for the endemic lizard phelsuma guimbeaui?
Join us in our conservation efforts and discover our success stories during our safari tours and rhino interaction activities. Let’s work together to protect our planet and its precious wildlife ??