As we celebrate World Rhino Day, let’s take some time to reflect on the plight of these magnificent creatures. ?
The decline of rhinos has been primarily caused by poaching, a devastating reality that claims the lives of around 1,000 rhinos each year.
Unfortunately, in some countries, their horns are thought to have medicinal properties. It is crucial to dispel these myths; scientific evidence does not support any medicinal benefits associated with rhino horns.
The staggering truth is that rhinoceros horns fetch higher prices on the black market than gold, with values ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 euros per kilo, or 25,000 to 200,000 euros per horn, depending on their size.
In addition to the threat of poaching, the rhino’s habitat is being encroached upon by urbanization on the African continent, further exacerbating their vulnerability.
On this World Rhino Day, let’s unite to raise awareness, support conservation efforts, and work together to protect these majestic creatures from the brink of extinction. ??
#SaveTheRhinos #WorldRhinoDay